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  • Canadian Trivia Family Edition Board Game Box
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Canadian Trivia Family Edition

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$5.99 CAD per day
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$5.99 CAD

Simple, well-made trivia game for 'Canadian' families. No random die-rolling, just answer the trivia questions and progress across the game board on your choice of routes.

The goal is to be the first player to make a round trip on his/her route across Canada. Players who correctly answer questions in categories including General, Geography, History, and Arts for the 'Expert' players, move forward from city to city, across the board.

Family Edition cards have two sides - one with easier questions and the other with more difficult questions, allowing families of all ages to play together.

Includes 1,440 expert level questions in four categories (geography, history, arts, general) and 1,080 junior level questions in three categories (geography, history, general).